Relationship Expert Says Don’t Get Married Unless…

One relationship expert just advised people not to ever get married unless they could meet at least three conditions.

Marriage is certainly difficult, and those first love brain chemicals tend to make us overlook a number of important things about our mates.

Jayson Gaddis, a relationship expert, wrote on Twitter some instructions to help take the rose-colored glasses off before we take the big leap.

After telling his audience not to get married, he followed that up by explaining that there were three things a person must be willing to do before getting at the altar.

Gaddis said, ”Because a long-term partnership might be one of the hardest paths out there. It will confront everything about you and your partner. Your relationship skills will be tested. And all your unresolved childhood trauma will come to the surface.”

So Gaddis advises that it is unwise to tuck that information in your pocket if you’re thinking about a long-term relationship.

He went on to describe other things couples should be willing to do before they get married in order to have a successful marriage.

“Learn. Learn about you, learn about them. Never stop learning about yourself and each other in the context of your relationship,” he wrote,

Gaddis suggested embracing “conflict, adversity and challenges” and getting “very very good at repairing it and working it through 100% of the time.”

The final piece of advice was this, “Share leadership and collaborate. Being teammates about everything and sharing the load together is crucial. Be honest about how hard it is to share leadership and get better at it.”

Gaddis ended the Twitter thread by explaining that unless you’re ready to work on yourself and commit to the three things listed, you should stay single.

Those are some strong words, what do you think about his advice?


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