Mister Rogers’ Fish Secret: Why He Always Said He Was Feeding Them

Fred Rogers was a beloved children’s television host and educator who created and starred in the show “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” for over 30 years. He was known for his gentle manner, his emphasis on kindness and compassion, and his commitment to including all children in his neighborhood, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.

One of Mister Rogers’s signature habits was to always say aloud that he was feeding his fish, even though they appeared on the show infrequently. This simple act was actually a reflection of Mister Rogers’s deep respect for all living things, and his desire to create a sense of inclusion and belonging for all of his viewers.

In a letter published in the book “Dear Mister Rogers, Does it Ever Rain in Your Neighborhood?”, a blind girl named Katie wrote to Mister Rogers to express her concern for his fish. She couldn’t see if he was feeding them, so she asked him to please say it out loud.

Here is a part of the letter:

Dear Mister Rogers,

Please say when you are feeding your fish, because I worry about them. I can’t see if you are feeding them, so please say you are feeding them out loud.

Katie, age 5 (Father’s note: Katie is blind, and she does cry if you don’t say that you have fed the fish.)

Mister Rogers was deeply moved by Katie’s letter, and he immediately began to narrate his every move when feeding his fish on the show. He would say things like, “I’m picking up the fish food now. I’m shaking it into the tank. I’m watching the fish eat.”

Mister Rogers’s act of kindness may seem small, but it had a profound impact on Katie and many other viewers. It showed them that he cared about all of his viewers, regardless of their abilities, and that he was committed to creating a world where everyone felt included and valued.

In today’s world, Mister Rogers’s message of kindness and inclusion is more important than ever before. We live in a time of great division and polarization, and it can be easy to forget about the importance of caring for others. But Mister Rogers’s example reminds us that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a difference.


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