Disney’s Snow White Controversy Leaves Conservatives Seeing Red

Disney’s favorability with conservatives has plummeted after the company announced that it was making changes to the classic fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The changes are being made in an effort to make the film more inclusive and less offensive.

According to results from a new Rasmussen Reports survey previewed exclusively by The Daily Wire. Just over 60% of Republicans have an unfavorable opinion of Disney, including 35% who say they have a “very unfavorable” opinion, the survey conducted by Rasmussen in late September found. The results are starkly divided by political identity. While among Republicans only 32% have a favorable view and 61% have an unfavorable view, for Democrats the results are almost exactly the opposite — 61% of Democrats view Disney favorably and just 29% unfavorably.

A video surfaced of a producer confessing that she pushes a “not-at-all secret gay agenda” through Disney content, “adding queerness” to its children’s programming.

And Disney found itself in viral controversy in August over comments made by the lead actress in its remake of “Snow White,” Rachel Zegler, who called the classic love story “extremely dated” and labeled Snow White’s prince “a guy who literally stalks her. Weird. Weird.”

“She’s not going to be saved by the prince and she’s not going to be dreaming about true love,” the actress said, suggesting that it pained her to have to wear the “dress of an iconic Disney princess.”

One conservative commentator, Ben Shapiro, said that Disney was “caving to the woke mob.” He also said that the changes were “ridiculous” and that they would “ruin the film.”

Another conservative commentator, Candace Owens, said that Disney was “trying to indoctrinate children with its liberal values.” She also said that the changes were “disgusting” and that they were “an insult to parents.”

The controversy has led to a boycott of Disney by many conservatives. They are calling for people to cancel their Disney+ subscriptions and to avoid watching Disney films.


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