In a viral TikTok video, Target, a major retail conglomerate, faced scrutiny over the perception that it may be offering deceptive Black Friday deals. The video, with over 38 million views, showed a customer examining price labels behind Black Friday sale tags, revealing identical prices to generic sale tags. This led to social media speculation that Target might be presenting regular sale prices as exclusive Black Friday discounts.
The controversy prompted a response from a Target representative who clarified that the viral video featured Samsung TVs that were part of early Black Friday sales, maintaining the same prices during the official Black Friday period. The representative acknowledged that there was no discernible difference between “Black Friday” and “early Black Friday” sales, asserting that customers would save the same amount in both instances.
The Target representative emphasized the company’s commitment to flexibility in offering holiday deals, initiating Black Friday promotions in late October and pledging to continue providing discounts throughout the season. Furthermore, the representative highlighted Target’s Price Match Guarantee, assuring customers that the company would match the price of any item purchased if it is offered at a lower price later in the season.
The news report concludes by noting that Target has faced challenges from a public relations standpoint over the past six months, without delving into specific details.
Western JournalÂ