Tired of Stories About Mass Shootings, How About Mass Revival? – Watch

Are you tired of your newsfeeds filling up with bad news? Here is a story filled with hope, it’s a story about the Good News. 

“Revival has broken out at Asbury University. The students haven’t stopped meeting for two days!!”

This is one of thousands of text messages that have been going out over the last week. Something is happening at this Christian university in Wilmore, KY that is unprecedented. 

The students met in Hughes Chapel for a normal weekly chapel service on Wednesday, February 8th at 10 am. When the service was supposed to be over at 10:50 so that students could get to their 11 am classes, the service didn’t end. Some students stayed to pray and worship in singing. 

That same service just never ended, it is still going on today. And thousands of people have been coming to visit this outpouring of God Fromm all around the world.

In 1970, a revival broke out in the same place – Asbury University, in the Hughes Auditorium. It began from the chapel and students kept worshipping, praying, and repenting for 144 hours. 

One of the professors that were a student at Asbury in 1970 said that what is happening today is so much bigger and deeper. 

One of the marks of this movement of God is the nameless and faceless nature of the leadership. There have been no big-name Christian celebrities involved. They don’t use lights, no smoke, and mirrors, they don’t even have the words to the songs they are singing on a screen. 

It is simply the presence of Jesus that is drawing people to Hughes Auditorium. 

But now, they are drawing so many people, they have to use three other meeting places to handle the crowds. 

The word of this “revival” has flooded social media. There are close to 40 million views of the revival on TikTok.

NBC reported that students and faculty from 22 schools in Hawaii, Massachusetts, Illinois, Minnesota, Tennessee, Indiana, and other states have made the trek to Asbury to join in on the religious experience. Travelers from Singapore and Canada have also come. Other schools have even started their own revivals and religious services, inspired by the events happening in Wilmore. Lee University in Tennessee, Anderson University in Indiana, and Ohio Christian University near Columbus are among the schools to have joined the movement.

In the clip below, you can see that even Tucker Carlson talked about this movement. 



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